Te Kāhui Huringa

This term our school kapahaka rōpū performed at the ten year coronation celebrations in Ngaruawahia.

TH7 2016

I am in TH7 this year. We have the best class in the whole school!


In term 2 Pukana came to our school for the day and filmed an episode with our class.

Kapa Haka

I am a part of our school Kapa Haka rōpū for the first time this year.

Matua Joe's Farewell

Earlier this year we farewelled an awesome Kiwican leader from our school - Matua Joe.

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Toku Pepeha

Ko Whangatauatia te maunga

Ko Karirikura te moana

Ko mamari te waka

Ko Nga puhi te iwi

Ko Te Rarawa te hapu

Ko te Roma te marae

Ko Felicity toku mama

Ko Richard toku papa